Love and Peace

Love and Peace

Discouragement is a poisonous swamp where life's most beautiful hopes are suffocated.

Hastiness becomes a fire to burn without purpose, often damaging the good work. Systematic fear forms a field where weeds grow and destroy the seedlings of hope.

Slander breeds uncountable wrongdoing.

Laziness weaves the destruction of labor as much as ill will inspires foolishness.

Violence is discussed with the exaggerated co-operation of the modern vehicles of informatics, stimulating sick minds and psychopathic personalities to surrender to hallucinations.

The therapy for the terrible disease that dominates the world is love in all its forms. Fraternal love that supports friendship and disseminates hope.

Spiritual love that spreads everyone's interests in communal well being. Christian love in active service that develops good work and spreads solidarity.

Love that understands mistakes is a copy of the love that re-educates, in the same manner that forgiving love promotes the love that redeems.

Discouragement, hastiness, fear, slander and laziness are forms of cruel violence and the bastard sons of selfishness which is in itself the author of the evils which misrule the world.

Contribute to orderliness and peace, using the verb to be happy. Speaking to help, spreading moral comfort and guidance for equilibrium. Use thought, protecting yourself against, pessimism, giving off mental waves of sympathy, praying in silence. Carrying out good works, even with simple gifts such as shedding some light in the darkness, a glass of cold water for the scaring thirst, a piece of bread proffered to the famished, a grain full of life in a fertile trough looking at the future ...

Each person can offer his best part, giving the most important share, which in plain and simple words is love.

In all events, notwithstanding that He could change the structures of His time and solve the problems of those who sought Him, Jesus, for love's sake helped each creature that came to Him, aiding them to change their attitude to life and thrive in goodness, and to proceed in peace in the direction of God, Who is Total Love.

Joanna de Angelis

Extract from the Book Recipes for Peace – Divaldo Pereira Franco (medium).

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