What Can I Do About Excessive Procrastination?

What Can I Do About Excessive Procrastination?

Here are some things you can do to control excessive procrastination.
Procrastination, Green Light

   1. Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as "There is no time like the present," or "Nobody's perfect."
   2. Prioritize the tasks you have to do.
   3. Commit yourself to completing a task once started.
   4. Reward yourself whenever you complete a task.
   5. Work on tasks at the times you work best.
   6. Break large tasks into small manageable parts.
   7. Work on tasks as part of a study group.
   8. Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult.
   9. Make a schedule of the tasks you have to do and stick to it.
  10. Eliminate distractions that interfere with working on tasks.
  11. Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task.
  12. Take breaks when working on a task so that you do not wear down.
  13. Work on difficult and/or unpleasant tasks first.
  14. Work on a task you find easier after you complete a difficult task.
  15. Find a good place to work on tasks.

Above all, think positively and get going. Once you are into a task, you will probably find that it is more interesting than you thought it would be and not as difficult as you feared. You will feel increasingly relieved as you work toward its accomplishment and will come to look forward to the feeling of satisfaction you will experience when you have completed the task.

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